Wednesday, June 20, 2007

男人最怕的三个 答案 (Three answers most scared by men)

My cousin Elaine sent me the following email... it's one of the best i hav received in recent yrs... check tis out...

(1)随 便 (Whatever)
男:今天 晚上咱们吃什么? Men: What to have for dinner?
女:随便。 Women: Whatever..
男:吃火锅吧。Men: Why not we have steamboat?
女:不行,吃火锅脸上会长痘痘。Women: Don't want la, eat
steamboat later grow
pimples on my face

男:要不咱们吃四川菜。Men: Alright, why not we have Si Chuan

女:昨天刚吃的四川菜,今天又吃....... Women: Yesterday
ate Si Chuan, today
eat again?

男:那咱们吃海鲜去? Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
女:海鲜不好,吃了拉肚子。Women: Seafood no good la, later
will have
男:那你说吃什么? Men: Then what you suggest?

女:随便。Women : Whatever..

(2)都行 (Anything)

男:那咱们现在到底做什么? Men: So what should we do now?

女:都行。Women: Anything
男:看电影怎么样?很久没看电影了。Men: How about
watching movie? we haven't
watch movie for a long time

女:电影有啥好看的,耽误时间。Women: Watching movie no
good la, waste time

男:那打保龄球,运动运动? Men: How about we play bowling,
do some

女:大热天的运什么动啊,不嫌累啊? Women: Exercise in
such hot day? You not
feel tired meh?

男:那找个咖啡店坐坐,喝点水。Men: Then find a café and
have a drink

女:喝咖啡影响睡眠。Women: Drink coffee will affect my sleep
男:那你说干什么? Men: Then what you suggest?

女:都行! Women: Anything

(3)看你 (You decide)
男:那咱们干脆回家好了。 Men: Then we just go home lor
女:看你。Women: You decide

男:坐公车吧,我送你。 Men: Let take bus, I will accompany

女:公车又脏又挤,算了吧。Women: Bus is dirty and crowded.
Don't want la

男:那就搭德士走。Men: Ok we will take Taxi

女:这么近的路不划算。 Women: Not worth it la... for such a
short distance

男:那走路好了,散散步? Men: Alright, then we walk lo.
Take a slow walk

女:空着肚子散哪门子步啊? Women: What to walk with empty
stomach woh?
男:那你想怎么样啊? Men: Then what you suggest?
女:看你。Women: You decide
男:那就先吃饭? Men: Let's have dinner first
女:随便。Women: Whatever...

男:吃什么? Men: Eat what?

女:都行 Women: Anyting
(看看四下无人,杀了她......) (Look around... no one here,
gonna kill


Blogger baggie said...

hie there was blog hopping and i wanna say that.. this post is not so true.. :P Guys do that too okayy...see ya!

1:20 PM  
Blogger -jUsT- said...

haha... mayb u r different... but most of the guys mean it when they say "watever or anything" but gals tend to speak n think differently... if u r a fan, mayb u heard one of their ads before... also the same situation where a gal n a boy was discussing things... anyway, it's just an email to share... thanx 4 ur comment... hehe

2:15 PM  
Blogger baggie said...

*grins* Justin, if you're a 25 yr old lad, that makes you a kor kor to me, ya know.. dont call me Miss Evie too, that sounds so oldddd... LOL...

Why dont you put up a shout box in your blog? ;)

12:56 PM  

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